Thursday, July 26, 2007
Yo..yo today 1-3 guys were friggin' pissed off by some 1-4 morons....we wanted to share the goddamned field...then 1-4 one of the guys buey song wanna fight then play rough push...then stupid gabriel talk cock dono wads soccer then shut up la!Then we lost 4-1 and those 1-4 guys are seriously idiots....they knew there were so many ex(expensive) cars there he still shoot from an angle that will surely hit one of the cars he still kick...omfg..he hit the car with a 'boom'...THen we were like laughing then they buey song....aft that went back to class we stand in front of their class they buey song again then shout at us again then we dun care and just stand there...They treated us like dirt man...and they surely sucked at soccer...omfg....I swear i wont play soccer with them again...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Dots....hey ppl...i'm back...was struggling with the home econ crap managed to finish it before dinnertime...and pass it to zavier...todae funni lolz....mehn dropped his 1 dollar coin in the grass near the 154 bus the end he found it(i tink so)and the bus came....then helped robin with the friggin' powerpoint presentation...thank god it was successful..ohmigosh.. sitting in front clicking the computer was scary i wonder what would happen if i were the one presenting....ok cya later
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Yo yo ppl finally can blog le....sunday cant blog cos very late go home...then monday com lag like shit almost spoil...heng ar today it is finally working.....ok lemme update you from sunday till now...
Stayed at home for almost half a day before went out...went to cut hair....lolz...After that went to church....with my grandma and my 4th was holding some events for elderly....It is called 'Care and Share' you some pics...
My grandma is the one in blue>>
My 4th grandaunt is in front of my grandma>>
My 4th grandaunt playing games....>>
Makan time!!!>>
Ok thats all for sundae....
Yups its monday.....rmb?monday blues......omg...monday sianz....only swimming quite fun....did loads of diving and plunging...then my wound bleed in water...omigosh...
Thats all for monday....
Wa quite ok la actually...erm...i liked literature..hahax....alan!!!Wo yao ji ni de qiu!!!!Sad ,alan is going back for reservice erm... i think after nxt wk...sad...nobody play with me liao after that...
Ok thats all...Bye ppl!!! see u tomoro and god bless my com doesnt lag again....
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Hi ppl...later going out...bringing my grandma to the Care and Share thingy at church...just cut my hair earlier

Erm...and 1 more thing...I am a
Just kidding....lame rite
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Erm..and one more thing ....i replying tags..
karna:thx for helping me with the blogskin...thx thx :P
confused:paiseh make u tag so many times......
karna:thx for helping me with the blogskin...thx thx :P
confused:paiseh make u tag so many times......
hi ppl....the boys frm our class are still rushing the copying of maths chapters....Gd luck to sianz...whole day didnt go out...did some work.....sian now nobody online.......Zzzz
Friday, July 20, 2007
Pai seh ppl now then post..... nth interesting la todae except pm mr lee hsien loong came..... he didnt notice me and my grp T.T... why? why?... den we late for home econs..... then the crazy mrs tan scold until like mad dog lidat so idiot..... then when we mentioned mr lee come then her voice tone change lol.... mad old woman...
Then i had to wait til abt 9++ then can use com cos dad fixing it..... Still pissed off with the mad mrs tan... I shall now call her"Mad Old Dog".....bowwowbowwow...good doggy........haha....think i going crazy myself by all these scoldings...
Then i had to wait til abt 9++ then can use com cos dad fixing it..... Still pissed off with the mad mrs tan... I shall now call her"Mad Old Dog".....bowwowbowwow...good doggy........haha....think i going crazy myself by all these scoldings...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
......Yo...reached home at 6++..omg ms tham come to pbl only at 4++ when our teacher told us she will come at 4....wa lao eh.....then angus very funni...teacher ask him wad he doing he say he SEARCHING FOR INFO for their TASK then teacher ask him wad is their TASK then he say his TASK is to SEARCH FOR INFO!!!Haha so funni...then jerry said that mr mark chan(our vp) is mr chan mali chan,chan malu chan!haha then i laughed so loud until i gave a pig's snort!haha today mayb laugh too mouth hurts....
then todae stupeed mr sim scold us then he buey song then punish me jus cos i looked of the window...-.-...everyone was so pissed that the guys pretend the soccer ball was mr sim's head and kicked it real hard...haha now leg hurts...Frm now on i shall call mr sim He Who Should Not Be Known.....he sucks...really......
then todae stupeed mr sim scold us then he buey song then punish me jus cos i looked of the window...-.-...everyone was so pissed that the guys pretend the soccer ball was mr sim's head and kicked it real hard...haha now leg hurts...Frm now on i shall call mr sim He Who Should Not Be Known.....he sucks...really......
Hi ppl fren's helping me to do a blogskin hope u all will like tired jus woke up to blog..
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Got this from the net:
SINGAPORE - An assassination attempt of PSC President, Jonk, by an unidentified assailant was foiled by the bravery and wits of the President himself.While he was s-hitting, a devious cockroach, who has yet to be identified, crept stealthily around his throne, preparing to assASSinate. It wasn't long before Jonk noticed the rascal of a roach and responded swiftly with sheer instint, as any seasoned PSC member would do.He screamed."I was very very angry, very very pissed, very very disgusted and disturbed," he said.Promptly, Jonk fought valiantly against his assailant, cornering him eventually and CRUSHING him like a.. erm, cockroach.. after a harrowing 30 second standoff. He escaped unscathed but is being treated for shock. The cockroach was pronounced dead at the scene of the crime.The cockroach was flushed away, or depotted as the PSC prefer to call it, with.. yeah.Left: The Assailant, killed and depottedJonk, who was clearly traumatised after the ordeal, added, "It's just wrong. I mean, would he have liked it if I came to disturb him while HE was defaecating?"The PSC are still investigating the matter. The Blattella asahinai, or "Asian cockroach" family is a prime suspect as perpetrators of this heinous crime. The assailant was unable to be identified because he was pulverised beyond recognition.In light of this, the PSC would like to advise the public to remember the "P.S.C.s" when s-hitting:P: Pangsai Chua - make sure you plan, don't Just Do It.S: Seat and Sensor - make sure the seat is clean and free from unpleasant matter; if your toilet has a automatic flushing sensor, remember to maintain an upright posture to avoid premature flushing leading to a wet bottom and other unpleasant consequences.C: Cockroaches and other demons - make sure you get them exterminated (preferably crush them, f-arting does not always work) to ensure a peaceful s-hitting experience.Interesting Facts about UNINTERESTING CockroachesMost of the insecticides for killing cockroaches are pyrethroid nerve poisons. The nerve poison induces muscular spasms which often result in the cockroach flipping on its back. Without muscular coordination, the cockroach cannot right itself and eventually dies in its upside-down position.- Hadlington & Gerozisis, 1995, Urban Pest Control in Australia, University of New South Wales Press Ltd.A person who is allergic to consuming shellfish is also likely to have an allergy to eating cockroaches.- Fear Factor not Afraid of Doctor. Retrieved on 24 October, 2006.
posted by jonk. at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
haha funny rite?
SINGAPORE - An assassination attempt of PSC President, Jonk, by an unidentified assailant was foiled by the bravery and wits of the President himself.While he was s-hitting, a devious cockroach, who has yet to be identified, crept stealthily around his throne, preparing to assASSinate. It wasn't long before Jonk noticed the rascal of a roach and responded swiftly with sheer instint, as any seasoned PSC member would do.He screamed."I was very very angry, very very pissed, very very disgusted and disturbed," he said.Promptly, Jonk fought valiantly against his assailant, cornering him eventually and CRUSHING him like a.. erm, cockroach.. after a harrowing 30 second standoff. He escaped unscathed but is being treated for shock. The cockroach was pronounced dead at the scene of the crime.The cockroach was flushed away, or depotted as the PSC prefer to call it, with.. yeah.Left: The Assailant, killed and depottedJonk, who was clearly traumatised after the ordeal, added, "It's just wrong. I mean, would he have liked it if I came to disturb him while HE was defaecating?"The PSC are still investigating the matter. The Blattella asahinai, or "Asian cockroach" family is a prime suspect as perpetrators of this heinous crime. The assailant was unable to be identified because he was pulverised beyond recognition.In light of this, the PSC would like to advise the public to remember the "P.S.C.s" when s-hitting:P: Pangsai Chua - make sure you plan, don't Just Do It.S: Seat and Sensor - make sure the seat is clean and free from unpleasant matter; if your toilet has a automatic flushing sensor, remember to maintain an upright posture to avoid premature flushing leading to a wet bottom and other unpleasant consequences.C: Cockroaches and other demons - make sure you get them exterminated (preferably crush them, f-arting does not always work) to ensure a peaceful s-hitting experience.Interesting Facts about UNINTERESTING CockroachesMost of the insecticides for killing cockroaches are pyrethroid nerve poisons. The nerve poison induces muscular spasms which often result in the cockroach flipping on its back. Without muscular coordination, the cockroach cannot right itself and eventually dies in its upside-down position.- Hadlington & Gerozisis, 1995, Urban Pest Control in Australia, University of New South Wales Press Ltd.A person who is allergic to consuming shellfish is also likely to have an allergy to eating cockroaches.- Fear Factor not Afraid of Doctor. Retrieved on 24 October, 2006.
posted by jonk. at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
haha funny rite?
Hi ppl i am haven't bath yet...tee on work todae then the science teacher scoldscoldscold...then bleahbleahbleah...until want to slp...this friday got some Very Idiotic Pig(VIP) coming our sch then rite...must prepare this prepare that so mafan.....Aiya....cant help it la study environment rocks teachers not gd oso no point...T.T......wanna cry cracking under pressure cos of the building amnt of projects....gonna die...T.T
cute pic rite? >>
cute pic rite? >>

Yo ppl its me...........very many projects.......This morning still had to rush the science one.......Zzzzzzz......sorri dozed off...haha......our sch qualified for the basketball semis!!!Woohoo!Jurong jiayou!jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!!Tee hee....anyway will update again....maybe later at night...Bye ppl.....Zzzzzzz
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 i am in the midst of rushing out my powerpoint for science.Aiya ,the teacher's expectations so high....Try my best lorhs........Today literature lesson nothing much la....only did a small quiz about the clay marble...Got 8 marks out of 10...Not bad.....then today eat the mee siam 2 times and 2 times the sauce kena my shirt......Aiyo so malu.....jkjk...Anyway...ppl gtg now got to rush my ppt so i shall blog till here.........Bye!!!!