Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good evening,my devoted viewers,fans,classmates,friends,relatives,bah,whatever you want to claim yourself as.Till now,i have not received any emails for the W-A-G-E competition,i guess everyone thinks i'm joking,but never mind.Well I went out today.Mum had an acupuncture session with a acupuncturist(well,duh).It was at 3.20pm and my family was at the clinic at 1.45pm.Kind of stupid.We left her there and went off exploring the area of Bukit Batok and boy,was it big.We had lost our way,somehow.We made a stop at an unknown place,and then headed for Mc'Donald's which was located in an unknown community centre which was beside an unknown police station.Snacked there.Dad watched the Nat Geo program showing on the tv while i catched up on my writing.Went back at 4.10pm to fetch my mum and headed for IMM.Made quick grocery shopping and then parents headed to BEST to get a new DVD player.My mum has been dreaming about it.I think they were ripped or something.I thought i saw a similar model on sale at Giant for $79,i think.They got it from BEST for perhaps a $100++.The only extra difference was the warranty given for the one bought at BEST.A 7 day refund policy.I bet they paid the extra 20 odd dollars for that.How expensive can that be.20 dollars for a 7 day warranty,they should at least give 2 weeks or a whopping one month!But it doesn't matter,i didn't pay for it anyway.Headed home,changed,jumped onto the couch,switched on the telly.Switched to Discovery Channel.Guess what? Mythbusters was on air.This episode was Snow Special.They tried to start an avalanche but they couldn't.Yodeling,whip cracking and the combined sound of two lead pumping machine guns couldn't even move the mountain.Kind of dumb.And amusing.

And yes,Ms Seeto I'll never miss you even after i graduate, so dream on.


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