Tuesday, May 20, 2008

a relection of my past.

It has been a while since the release of results.Well it has really been much of playtime for me all the while.=D.But my conscience is pretty much weighing down me(heavy man!).Why should I be playing when I have all the free time,when I can help my poor mother do some housework?Not a good feeling eh?But I have done nothing to salvage the situation.

Do you really know your neighbours well? Unseen poems for Literature were pretty much focusing on this theme.I have just sat through a real life experience.It went like this;I was just pretty much sitting in front of the computer,downloading stuffs and chatting.Then I heard a scream or perhaps a shrill(scream is too much of a exaggeration though) from the units below mine(I live on the 10th floor,=D.).Then there was this female voice screaming some crap like 'afnaskjbjksgkvnaskjdfnsmdnfksaf'.Then a male voice went 'afajkasbdfkasbgfaksbnfjkasdnfks' too.So,do you fancy to know what your neighbours are doing behind their closed doors?Not me.He could be a pickpocket,robber,burglar,molester,flasher,serial rapist,murderer(rape and kill type),an idiotic super psycopathic cold blooded killer.

The poem was also pretty much on sterotyping,discrimination and racism too.=(.Pretty sad.But it's reality.

'Eh,Mister Spiro.I think we have a situation here.'
'A situation?What does that mean?You're not a soldier anymore,Blunt.Speak English.

Adapted from Artemis Fowl And The Eternity Code By Eoin Colfer.


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